Message From Our Director
Our Director Vincent Romeo is qualified as a Certified Property Valuer without limitations and an admitted Solicitor specialising in property and the law surrounding the valuation of property in NSW. These qualifications have enabled Vincent a position on the Board of the Australian Valuers Institute, a Professional Governing Body for Valuers in Australia where he been a sitting Director for the past four years. Further to this Vincent has also been elected as a member of a small group of respected property professionals in NSW named the Land Valuation Advisory Group chaired by the NSW Valuer General. Accordingly, a copy of Vincent’s CV can be provided upon request. Vincent specialises in all classes of property from the most simplest of valuations to those of the most litigious and difficult.
Further to this Vincent acts as legal counsel for the Australian Valuers Institute, is a guest speaker and lecturer at Valuers CPD events and an active mentor to many register valuers and student valuers throughout NSW. We invite you to peruse our google reviews to ensure you’re satisfied when selecting to use our firm.